
Download free elite dangerous odyssey
Download free elite dangerous odyssey

Added the new cargo loader used in the new Protect missions to various settlements.Addressed some incorrect text in a Sabotage mission.Addressed a legal Collection mission asking you to collect an illicit item.Changed the settlement mission givers’ compass icon to match the concourse mission giver icon to distinguish between new missions givers and existing mission targets.Addressed an issue with shared missions not displaying correctly when in a failed state.Addressed an issue where missions could be repeatedly abandoned to produce a strong negative influence on the faction offering.

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To account for these, factions will offer higher sums than usual. These missions pose a new challenge in both combat difficulty (teammates recommended) and time-response required.

  • New “Protect” missions ask Commanders to defend against criminals attacking delivery routes.
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    It is now possible to sit in all chairs and barstools found on all concourses (albeit one at a time).

  • A lack of notifications for Fleet Carrier jumps until 10 seconds beforehand was fixed.
  • The Fleet Carrier section of the Pilot’s Handbook now describes new features and how to use the new bartender functionality.
  • A small amount of random delay was added for landing pads retracting during jump prep for aesthetics.
  • The Fleet Carrier Livery now includes a number of concourse themes.
  • The Fleet Carrier Livery has been moved into the same environment as Outfitting.
  • Service tariffs can now be set individually, allowing control of each service’s costs (Universal Cartographics and Vista Genomics do not use the tariff system).
  • On-foot access to the shipyard is now available (added automatically if the Shipyard service is enabled).
  • Shipyard access point (included with the Shipyard service).
  • A seating area for safe Fleet Carrier jumps.
  • A Command Deck with an additional area for the owner and their Wing.
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    Interiors have been added to Fleet Carriers to enjoy on-foot.

    Download free elite dangerous odyssey